Accidents in cars are never enjoyable. Right after an accident, emotions are likely to be high, and you might feel confused, disoriented, or in pain. However, you can take precautions to safeguard yourself and get ready for an insurance claim.

auto collision near me

1. Examine yourself for injuries. 

If you are hurt, call 911 or have someone else do it for you. If you are seriously injured, try not to move and wait for help. 

2. Inspect your passengers’ well-being. 

Check on the other passengers in your car if you’re not too hurt to move. If anyone is hurt, contact emergency services or ask a bystander to call for assistance. 

3. Make your way to safety. 

Move to the side of the road or a sidewalk if possible. Pull your car to the side of the road if it is safe to drive and is causing a hazard where it is. Otherwise, leave it alone and make your way to safety.

4. Call 911 

If you called 911, a police officer will almost certainly be dispatched to the scene. If no one appears to be injured, you must contact the police if the property damage exceeds a certain amount set by state law (typically $1,000, but less in some states). If you are in Pennsylvania, you are only required to call the police in the case of serious injury or if one of the vehicles cannot be moved from the scene.

An officer will interview all parties involved in the accident and compile a police report. The presence of a law enforcement officer may also be extremely beneficial if it is discovered that the other driver is under the influence of alcohol or driving without car insurance. Obtain the responding officer’s name and badge number, as well as the police report number.

5. Exchange Contact and Insurance Information

Identify any other drivers who may have been involved in your accident and obtain their names, contact information, driver’s license numbers, and car insurance information (company, policy number). If the driver is not the owner of the vehicle, obtain the owner’s information as well. Take a picture of the other driver’s insurance card and driver’s license and email or text it to yourself to avoid transcription errors or information loss. 

Obtain the names and contact information of any witnesses. Your insurance company or attorney may require their testimony to confirm your version of events.

6. Write Down What Happened

Write down everything that occurred as accurately as you can in a quiet moment, including: 

  • The precise location, date, and time of the collision
  • The direction you were traveling and where you were on the road
  • What you were doing when you collided, and what the other car was doing at the time.

7. Notify your insurance provider and begin the claims procedure

If your insurance company has a mobile app, you might want to use it to file a claim while you’re still on the scene. By doing so, they will be able to explain to you in detail what they will need to do in order to handle your claim and what to anticipate during the claims process. If your car is damaged, your insurance company can arrange to have it tow it right to a licensed body shop. 

Even experienced drivers can become anxious after an accident, but taking these precautions can lessen your anxiety. You can then concentrate on coordinating the smooth and quick repair of your vehicle with your insurance provider.

Masano Collision Center in Reading, PA Would Be Glad to Help

Our team of professionals share decades of experience handling passenger and commercial vehicle accidents. We can help you through your claims process with your insurer and make sure your vehicle returns to its’ pre-accident condition. We are proudly certified by BMW of North America, Mercedes-Benz of North America and the Ford Motor Company. Repairs are made using OEM parts, ensuring your vehicle will keep you and your family safe.

Contact us here to learn more or if you were in an accident, to start the process.